Easter Message from Matchmaker
Perfect Partners
Well now dear perfect partners, Easter is behind us and the first 3 months of 2016 underway, and on this last day of March we have a lunar eclipse, bringing more changes into our lives! Are we prepared? Something that has become very evident lately is the lament of “there is no time” or “I am so busy, busy, busy!”. From where we sit, we see all proactive people are busy, that means they are being productive and useful – or are they?
A dear friend of mine retired last year and moved to the Cape…. I know it is hugely traumatic and loads of stress and effort (but what a lovely new adventure!), and though I work a solid 16 – 18 hour week, every time I have tried to see her she laments “I am sooo busy I don’t know where to start, I am so harassed!”. My brain is ticking over, huh? “but you can start at the beginning, start with the outcomes in mind, just do it and enjoy it, can’t you? you have the privilege and luxury of doing it in your own new freedom and time – not so? You can choose NOT to do what doesn’t add value, or what?”.
It set me wondering on the subject, because so many members also lately apologise for not answering our emails or fulfilling agreements, because they are so busy! March was particularly frenetic – we wondered ourselves how we would try to fit 4 weeks into 17 working days, and try to maintain our own life/work balance and sanity! Somehow we did, although we still have a backlog, but our path is plotted and planned and we start each day with new energy – and we are enjoying every moment! We feel such an attitude of gratitude and abundance that we have so many great folk we want to assist! So apologies to all those we may not have contacted, we are aware and we have a plan! Everything will happen as it should …….because we will MAKE it happen!
So I was meditating just this week on the aspect of the syndrome of ‘busy, busy, busy’ and had some good thoughts I wish to share with all our members. All proactive and intelligent folk are busy, and we work with some of the busiest people on the planet – like stockbrokers and lawyers even surgeons, people who cannot clock watch as they are driven by external forces like millions Rands worth of shares etc., going up or down in seconds, deadlines, or life and death cases that need immediate attention (this is my highest comparison for ‘busy’ types) yet they manage to make time for themselves because they make a determined decision to do so – because they deserve it! Many are parents too and have huge responsibilities. These are people who are not afraid to say “NO! sorry, I cannot do this now” because they are not trying to please all of the people all of the time – an impossibility! They have boundaries. They calmly do what has to be done no matter what, and damage control is minimal. They somehow make every second of every day work for them and their lives may be frenetic, but not chaotic or disorganised! They honour their obligations and still care, with self-pride, that they do not let others down. We celebrate your achievement in living life! You guys set a fine example to all!
Then there is THAT other ‘busy’ that people just create to fill empty spaces and voids in their life, a lot of ‘noise’ disturbs their electro-magnetic fields, the more disorganised and frenetic the better because it is then a self-feeding monster that produces more ‘busy’ which is like a drug habit ….which they need like some people need their daily bread. The pathology of these folk is normally one of loneliness and the need to feel they are viable and important and they need validation that they are contributing because otherwise their lives would be pretty meaningless – they do not stop to smell the roses because they are fear driven life will pass them by. I notice this specially in people who have lost a very dear loved one – spouse or even a child – or a past love, there is something missing in their hearts and souls and they are frantically trying to stuff/crowd as much stimulus into their every minute, that sadness or melancholy cannot creep in. The very thought of any ‘empty’ moment may let all the hounds of hell loose to let pain of ‘aloneness’ or other sense of loss and suffering to overwhelm them – because they have never stopped to deal with it and let it go. This is often the workaholic.
The truly busy people strive for a balance – they see every day as a pie chart of 24 hours, and they put aside at least an hour or two to find serenity, even solitude, and centre their core, bringing balance and recharging their batteries even. They also can switch off the world to give total love and soul to their loved ones and significant others. I only mention this because there is a reason people remain single and unfulfilled in singledom ……..and the fact of the law of attraction is if we do not make time for ourselves, we have no time to give others. It is just as serious as if we do not have love for Self, how can we expect others to love us? Joining PP is a big mindset shift – new members have to factor us into their day or week and pay full attention to the heart intelligence we stream out, give all their energy a new project deserves – or this will end up a wasted undertaking. The ethics and honour of being on time, remaining focussed on arrangements and prompt communications, and honouring obligations is non-negotiable. Our people also have to be emotionally available in the NOW! BE PRESENT! Procrastination is the child of fear ….so do something well or not at all! Know your limitations, you are but human! So what is time? I reckon it is life and living with forward motion ……and what is life without love?
I am sharing this with you as it has been an epiphany for me and I thought it may resonate with you – it may be presumptious of me, as I do not know everything about each member’s minute circumstances, so I hope you can accept my insight in good spirit and intent. We wish for everyone a fulfilled life – not just a busy life!
Our secret here? That pie chart …so many hours to sleep, so many to eat and relax, and so many hours for tasks and deadlines which are then broken down into do-able chunks, and an organised multi-tasking approach to deal with the extras and unexpected …….and friends and family time is sacrosanct! Let the love pour forth from your heart …quality and not quantity counts! AND ……remember to give yourself loads of TLC!
Much love and light to all, and we have plans for you! Keep an open mind on all new intros and possible new friends, try not to live in a throw-away world, love will find you when you open that door! Seek the ‘real’ and not the ‘ideal’ …….
Fond Regards