Hi dear Shannon – we are such an extremely happy couple now we just had to share with the world out there that your matchmaking and “date ready coaching” truly works!! Earlier in my life there was no question that I believed that true life angels existed but as life and love happened I seemed to get it wrong and got tremendously disappointed, believing that true love and companionship was never to be mine as I was fated to stay alone and single although never short of prospects, no one was really right. Then six months ago I received a mail from Perfect Partners after joining the team and settling in with a new slant on reality dating that has altered my life dramatically and presented me with this incredible new chance in life (and a wonderful shared future ahead) and now my precious live angel RM is my twin flame, co-creator in life and soulmate! What an experience and such a dramatic impact on both our lives, made possible only by the incredible amount of personal care and genuine desire to assist us both in our search, and offering us both this magical gift of life, sincerity, and the deepest love we both have ever experienced! Thank you so much Shannon and team PP you have really changed our lives and you truly are REAL matchmakers with an amazing gift!
Forever grateful and very happy, and always part of your ‘family’ of happy clients.
M & R