Covid Has Changed Our Habits – And Also Our Dating Patterns
by Perfect Partners
Shannon, our really “tuned in” matchmaker and date coach agrees with many global experts that our lives have changed, maybe forever. Transformation is now!! Sinking into a slump and allowing any clouds to hinder our love lives or quest to find lasting love must be avoided at all costs she warns! And waiting it out is a no-brainer!! Love will always be waiting in the wings.
Science proves that it takes around 21 days to grow new neuro-pathways to help adapt to changes, and finally, people are realising this “new normal” is here to stay and even if things go back to “before”, it will never be the same again. Do not let the fight against change get you down.
Adapting To Change And Doing Dating Successfully
Much talk about “mental health”is emerging and it is not the usual clinical pathologies, but a new kind of lethargy, even depression and also just exhaustion from stress and wondering about tomorrow that impacts – nothing is predictable anymore!! The best new imprinting then we can positively embrace, is we WILL adapt because we cannot ignore it anymore. Dating successfully is happening now!
We have to think out of the box and find new comfort zones, develop new healthy habits and new thinking (these give stability too) and have more acceptance when seeking a soulmate or lasting love…with less over-thinking about the problems and more positive action around the solutions!
True Love Will Find Us When We Date By Design And Not Default
Are we all in a way becoming cosy like a little “house mouse” and just thinking “why bother?”. As humans, we do crave that interconnectedness, that humanness and heart connection that brings the magic back, and that is why we are here with our expert personal introductions to help all our e-club members along the pathway to soulmate love. So please know, it is also our new imprinting that this service we provide is not just frivolous entertainment, but seriously vital to all our wellbeing, even our existence, and that we must keep you all “connecting” until love finds you.
Many less-than-successful Singles have tried everything to meet a soulmate…and just about given up that love even exists! If your dating experience has turned into a pointless pastime, contact us and we will send our information pack on how we are agents of change.
Dating Burnout Is Real-Time To Change Your Dating Habits
A recent topic is trending now that dating habits changed more in the last year than in the past 10 years!! And we do see a new dynamic and a return to old values. We are thrilled when sincere Singles are seeking more meaning, more depth and are realising how much time, effort and life force was wasted on delusional dating and going-nowhere relationships that happened at the click of a mouse…or left or right swipe…so easy to hook up, have a fling, have fun and forget and move on to the next…
We are finding the RIGHT others for YOU! You matter and will never be overlooked and we never sleep until our work is done because Covid does not stop Cupid! We are standing by to hear from you and we want to help every sincere Single out there find their soulmate! When you invest in yourself we invest twofold in your future happiness, guaranteed.
Read next article, They say dating is hard, Finding Love harder.