My Dating, My Life And A Fairytale Come True – No More Dating Blues

Dearest Shannon,

Once upon a time, there was Shannon, this is how modern fairy tales should start … you are magic!

Happy to hear that you approve of my new approach to life, it’s simple really, just be yourself, as you have taught me from the start. I so much appreciate all the support, even getting to know MYSELF (and realising I am quite a catch after all and don’t need to scrum in the underworld of dating anymore).

Anyway yes, I am starting to learn more about this amazing dimension, a scientist never stops learning, human soul fitness and body fitness, so apart and yet so similar. And you always put it so frankly that being a mere male who is often confused by this dating/relating/mating game, I now just flow and it is so easy. Your ladies are awesome and I am having such fun!

Dating, Relating, or Mating

It does not matter, in fact, it never did, to me if someone has a degree or multiples of them, so don’t worry if the profiles you sent have none, there is very little you can do with degrees anyway. IQ and EQ are not learnt in books but through the lessons in life. Soul fitness is not correlated to any higher nor lower degree.

Will keep you posted with great pleasure.

Your Italian is definitively improving, but I need also to improve my Perfect Partners skills so we are even … symbiotic learning!

Ciao a presto,
