Singles Dating And Moving To A New Normal With Level 2 – Keep Steady And Don’t Rush to The Bottle Stores
by Perfect Partners
Today we send a message to inspire all our awesome Singles, all our brave and wonderful partners and those waiting to meet new soulmates……with a sigh of relief we finally look forward to all the new meet-ups and easier communication and dating as we move to level 2 lockdown with COVID-19.
We were very happy and grateful that our e-club never missed a beat and the strength of faith and hope have still been joining us with determination in this time! We welcome all those waiting in the wings to also now take the leap – life goes on and love awaits those who actively open doors to meeting the RIGHT others in a safe environment!
Dating Has Never Been More Serious As Singles Truly Seek Their Kindred Soulmates
We see a chance for recovery after 5 months of crippling lockdown and a devastated economy, many lives (and relationships) disrupted, much fear about the future, and much to do to bring our once proud country off its knees, and even better, find love again. There is a ray of hope as many can start earning a living again, entrepreneurs can salvage their businesses, careers can take off, education can recover and we can move around.
What this lockdown has taught us here is to be very grateful for every small thing, every blessing, we value your support, our connectedness, our mutual drive to keep matters of the heart and love hopping and bopping as best possible, and to even re-evaluate our own needs as we take life more seriously. No more dating agendas and games!
Exclusive And Personal Singles’ Introductions Through Your Matchmaker
We are extremely grateful we kept going and this proves that many fabulous singles have invested in us regardless (so we can invest in all of you too) and still find that most important and necessary element in life – a loving and supportive soulmate to walk this pathway to love and a happy “forever after” isolation was not fun and united we stand and together our journeys continue!
I often recalled stories from WW 2 when citizens in Europe were huddled in bunkers for long periods as bombs fell and their homes, towns and livelihoods demolished, loved ones lost, and everyone was gripped in the most terrible devastation and fear. Those that survived rose and rebuilt a new world and even still found love, as many love stories abound from that time! That makes me feel a lot better! It could have been worse.
We too shall conquer and rise again! We also need to give everyone a chance to catch their breath, revive and find their “new normal”, live with an attitude of gratitude and never give up their dreams of a shared future. A new future awaits!
Date Coaching And 1-0-1 Selected Intros Guarantee You Do Not Waste Your Time
Please stay safe now in level 2 as your own prosperity depends entirely on your will, integrity and strength as individuals. As the collective, extend kindness and empathy to all those who are going to the battle going forward, as our combined efforts will pull us through. We need to keep ourselves safe in our own sacred spaces, but also support the determination of the rest….only a united effort can work.
We wish God speed to those who have it worse than us and mourn the many we have lost for good, R.I.P.
Don’t rush the bottle stores! Plan your trips wisely and get home safely always, and remember, there are care and support at our singles e-club for each one of us! Every “virtual friend” here is a friend waiting to meet, and everyone shares the same dreams. No chancers!
Sending much love and light from our hearts to yours, until next time…
Fond Regards
Shannon and the Team